mike moccardini
Lead Pastor
LFC has been Pastor Mike's church home for over 30 years. In 1992, God called him into full time ministry and he served as our youth pastor for many years before taking on the role of Lead Pastor in 2009. His wife Yvonne, and twin daughters, Shelby and Cienna, are vibrant parts of our church family. Mike's passion is pursuing God, loving people and leading others to share God's love and transforming power through His Holy Spirit.
Joanna cesena
Family Pastor
Pastor Joanna is a licensed minister of the Assemblies of God and has been serving alongside her husband at Templo Calvario Church in Santa Barbara since 2018. Joanna is passionate about family engagement and building relationships in the church and our community. Her background includes early childhood education as well as time in both public and private schools where she gained valuable insight into the needs of the students of our community and how we, as the body of Christ, can provide resources and services to help them thrive and experience God's love. Joanna and her husband, Eric, have two beautiful daughters, Lauryn and Kaelah.
Destiny fonville
Worship & Media Pastor
Destiny is a seasoned worship director with a passion for ministering to the Lord and His people. She has over eighteen years of experience leading worship, teaching, mentoring and making disciples.