Growth Groups

Growth Groups are dedicated to learning more about God through studying the Bible. We offer a variety of topics so everyone (newbie or veteran) can find a place to learn and grow! Growth Groups take place on Sunday Mornings before the Worship Service as well as during the week. Check back regularly to see what groups are currently meeting! 
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
Join the men each Tuesday morning in the Circle Room.

Prayer 5:30-6:30am
Breakfast & Bible Study 6:00-7:00am

Contact Pastor Mike for details.
Eschatology a study of the things to come 

A biblical study of the end time events written from a Pentecostal perspective. The course studies the Rapture, plus various views of the Tribulation and the Millennium. It provides excellent material for the teaching and preaching on the Second Coming of Christ.


Contact for details.